"STudy of light, shadow-work & solidarity"

study of light intersected

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"Even though I can be a woman of many words, I have always been drawn to the invisible world, which is often indescribable. The world of dreams, to symbolism, to the world of meditation and natures breath. Trough Yoga Science and Astrology or the study of light, I've learned to enjoy life here on Earth. This practice allows me to root in this time and place and fascinates more and more each day."


 The interest in Astrology is growing. A lot of people know their star sign, but what is Astrology really?

How can knowledge about one's own Psychological Astrology serve you best?


The ancient Yoga Science is such an abundant field of practical aswel as spiritual guidance.

It's an ongoing adventure to find ones own path of accessible and sustainable Sadhana,

daily spiritual practice, the proof of the pudding is in the eating!

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