Contemplations on the gift of liminal time

By mmmwebbbbb 25 Jan, 2023
Saturn Now first off, I practice to read astrology and life as a meaningful bundle of symbols. In astrology, Saturn is our primal need and ability to structure, learn by cause and effect, develop a sense of responsibility and awareness of our own inner (and outer) limitations. Saturn was until the 1700’s the last planet visible form Earth and therefor represented the keeper of the gate to infinity/ death. Saturn was often referred to as water time as its distance from Earth is far and the course trough the zodiak very slow. (approximately 27-30 years) Once Saturn has finished its frist round trough the zodiak we often experience a sense of crisis or at least a deeper understanding of how our time here in this body is limited. This is the notorious “Saturn return” and I like to refer to this as the stage in life where we become an adult. Well, by that time we’ve had the chance to grow into and take responsibility for our life. We see the course of Saturn trough the astrological houses as a means to learn where we need to take responsibility and structure life. Often this results in a (minor) crisis due to the fact that Saturn within an astrological house tends to stir up un- resolved issues regarding the current house. Sometimes, issues that where (consciously) ignored or repressed. When Saturn enters an astrological house it will appear so as if a huge snow shovel scrapes off all the loose ends, bits, peaces and dirt for you to renown it. Yes, we all leave loose ends here and there that’s okay. But sooner or later we all need to take full ownership of our lives. Taking responsibility for what’s ours is empowering, even if it’s ugly and dirty. Taking ownership of our lives, hence at the same time being confronted with limitations. The imposter syndrome Don’t you just hate it when you know you have all that it takes to fulfill the tasks requested and still you hear the squeaking voice in the back of your head reminding you of all your limitations. More often we see this “inner critic” strongly represented with a dominant Saturn in the birth chart. Now, what is a dominant Saturn? In my next blog I will go deeper into the rulership and housing system. For now; Saturn in its domicile Capricorn Saturn in its exalted sign Libra Saturn aspecting the lights of the chart (Sun and Moon) especially conjunction, opposition, and square but any connection works Saturn aspecting (one of the) four corners in the birth chart ( ascendant, descendant, IC and or MC ) When and if you know you’re sensitive to this “inner critic” like me, we might take comfort in acknowledging our need to take time to grow into things. Acknowledging our need to make sure we have our task, assignment, day or moment well prepared. Every planet (according to the theory of microcosm/ macrocosm is a need and ability within us that needs and wants to be lived! What we can gift ourselves is to learn more about what Saturn in our birth chart holds and create the space to express it. This inner critic is a great theme to study in consultation. Very insightful most of the time. The Klesha's An other thing that we can look into are Patanjali’s yoga Sutras. Especially Sutra 2.3-2.10* Here the structure of the Klesha's is explained. (this deserves a whole separate blog, this is just a mere reference) According to the sage and saint Patanjali there are 5 root causes of human suffering of 5 root obstacles. Avidya: Ignorance (perceiving the impermanent as permanent) Asmita: Egoism (thinking that the world revolves around you) Raga: Attachment to pleasures Dvésa: Aversion/ resentment Abhinivesha: Attachment to bodily life/ fear of Death We can apply this structure of the klesha's as narrative whenever the inner critic I.e. the imposter syndrome comes up. Ask yourself: Is this permanent? Is it really about me? Am I looking for any kind of sense gratification? What us there to dislike/ resent? Will I live? Acknowledgement of the function of the need for structure and the realisation that most of life is impermanent. We learn trough cause and effect and, n the bigger picture there is no such thing as failure. Thanks for reading this blog. Take care!  Image: Harvest of this mornings walk, Ganesha the remover of obstacles. *p 80-86 ISBN 978-1-938477-07-2
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